Quba Islamic School Wins Gold Medal at the 2024 Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE)!
Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) 2024 was just held at the World Trade Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 22 to 24 February 2024. An annual international event that displays the latest advances and innovations in various fields of technology. It brings together experts, including researchers, inventors, and entrepreneurs, as well as industry experts to deliver cutting-edge products and solutions across sectors such as information technology, electronics, robotics, green technology, biomedical engineering, and more.
It cannot be denied that technological progress is very fast. Events like the Malaysia Technology Expo show how young people can create their own technology that suits their needs and the needs of their environment. It is as if this industry has become an obligation for anyone living in the modern era to be able to develop their own technology for common needs.
Quba Islamic School is one of the most enthusiastic about doing this. With the spirit of being people who obey Allah SWT by making themselves good and useful to others, Dyane Putriera Anggraeni, M.Pd, as the accompanying teacher for five Quba Islamic School students in the MTE 2024 event this time has taught the spirit of sharing and being useful to the students. -his students. He named his student team The Borobudur Bytes.
The Borobudur Bytes consists of five students, namely Auliya El-Fatiya Fachrudin, Azzam Irtiza Rabbani, Elnath Athillah Embaronsky, Kanz Alexandre Al Zahran, and Muhammad Ervan Dzimar, all five of whom are secondary 3 level students, have the same enthusiasm to be more useful to others by developed technology which they named QUBA EPoD which is early pollution detection based on Internet of Things (IoT) and alarm sensor.
Ms. Dyane succeeded in guiding the five students he chose to develop technology to detect pollution levels considering that the environment where they go to school is passed by many motorized vehicles, as well as the habit of the majority of Indonesian people who are still addicted to smoking, so this detection tool is very important to develop.
The results were very satisfying, Quba Islamic School managed to bring home a gold medal for their innovation in the Asian Youth Innovation Awards (Junior) category. The Borobudur Bytes team was the best in its category, beating 10 participating country representatives. Of the total 482 inventions that participated, The Borobudur Bytes was able to solidify its position as the best.
This is certainly in line with Quba Islamic School's hopes that participating in activities like this will foster, develop and encourage the involvement of young people in Science, Technology and Innovation, as well as make the school and Indonesia proud on the world stage!
The parents of these five students are also very happy and proud of the achievements achieved by their children. They always provide prayers and support so that their children can achieve the best results in MTE 2024. However, of course this gold medal should not make them arrogant, but they must be more humble as good Muslims and continue to hone themselves so that in the future they can achieve similar results in other international events.
Malaysia Technology Expo 2024 will be a sweet memory for the students and accompanying teachers representing Quba Islamic School. A valuable lesson from which they have confirmed for themselves that the Indonesian nation is not a lowly nation, but a great nation capable of bringing home gold medals in technology events.