Proficient use of English has become a necessity today, no longer just an additional skill. Globalization is increasingly massive in the era of social media and the increasingly fast internet, so having good English language skills is very necessary.
In fact, from childhood it is not uncommon for parents to communicate with their children in English so that when they grow up they will not have difficulty using the language. Unfortunately, English language skills are still limited by Indonesians. Even though parents are aware of this, most of them are also not proficient in using the language.
Quba Islamic School is ready to answer this challenge. They have long been committed to providing the best learning for their students, including mastery of foreign languages, especially English.
Not only is it a mandatory subject at school, recently on 4-9 December 2023 Quba Islamic School took part in an outing activity that focused on using English called Local Camp 2023. An out-of-school activity in collaboration with Quest where participants will do joint activities and living together with a focus on practicing their English skills.
theme of Local Camp 2023 this time is Empowering English for a Global Future. The participants included are Primary 5 or grade 5 elementary school students. The number of participants was around 23 people with 5 teachers as assistants led by Mrs. Andari.
They left for Yogyakarta using the Taksaka Executive train. We met at Gambir Station at 18.00-20.00 WIB then arrived at Tugu Station at 04.00 WIB. They were welcomed by Quest who would also take them to the first day's outing location, namely Gumuk Pasir Beach, Prambanan, as well as the opening of the Fun English event which is an activity of Local Camp 2023. The second day they studied at the hotel where they were staying and also became a place to mingle for the participants. which exists. The next day they went on an outing to Sogan Batik again to learn how to make batik and even the process of coloring the batik cloth. On the fourth and fifth days, the participants focused on studying the material from the Fun English event as well as practicing their soft skills to increase their self-confidence. The fifth day of the event closed with participants performing to train their confidence in appearing in public. On the sixth and final day of the Local Camp 2023 event, participants visited the Sonobudoyo museum to learn about the history and culture of the Yogyakarta palace. After all the Local Camp 2023 activities were completed, they returned to Tugu Station at 20.55 and arrived at Gambir Station at 03.00 in the morning.
The event ran very successfully and without significant obstacles. The teachers who accompany them hope that events like Local Camp will make students who take part have high self-confidence and significantly improve their English language skills, make lots of new friends, and have valuable experiences that will be remembered by them until they grow up. Discipline and responsibility are also trained here, making the parents of the participants happy that their children are becoming more responsible and independent at a young age.
Quba Islamic School will continue to be committed to providing the best education for their students. The opportunity to provide the best education does not exist in the future, but exists today.